Current Projects
Use Ansible for Personal Servers
The goal is to fully manage the servers with Ansible at the OS level so they can be spun up quckly and have standard configurations.
Added all servers to Ansible’s inventory and added roles for each type of server(M1). Added a common role for all servers(M2). Most VMs and bare metal servers are now mostly configured via Ansible(M3). Reorganizing roles.(M4) Working on managing the docker containers via Ansible.(M5)
0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 100%
Utilize Terraform with Proxmox
Use Terraform to launch and modify new virtual machines and import existing ones on both Proxmox servers.
Successfully used the Proxmox Terraform provider to launch basic VMs using a manually created, CloudInit configured, template.(M1) Creating the template required qm terminal commands to manipulate the disk which made using Terraform tedious.(M3)
Importing VMs is tedious and requires lifecycle rules to ignore many settings. Some settings aren’t supported by the provider.(M2)
2024-02-02 A new update to the Proxmox Terraform provider has added support for settings that make launching templated VMs a lot easier.
0% M1 M2 M3 100%
Automated Pigeon Loft
Automating the pigeon loft’s doors using an ESP32 and ESPHome powered by a solar system. The goal is to automate the trap and aviary doors.
This is a fairly large writeup with multiple parts being drafted.
- Solar setup(M1)
- Power enclosure(M2)
- Proto board(M3)
- 3D printed proto board holder
- 3D printed RS232-TTL board holder(M4)
- Idler pulley: Mount and pulley(3D printed)
- Motor pulley(M4)
- Trap door(removed due to clogging issues)
- Rolling track for doors(M6)
- Mount motors(M7)
- Design and print motor enclosure(M7)
- Door limit switches(M7)
- Paint solar mount
0% M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 100%
Completed Projects
IR Transmitter for Big Ass Fans Haiku with HomeAssistant Control
Controlling an IR enabled fan via HomeAssistant using an ESP board and custom 3D printed case.
Zigbee Button Holder
This is a non-destructive holder for the HIMOJO Wireless Scene Switch that uses your light switch plate’s screws as a mount.
Printables link:
Timed Chicken Coop Door Repair
Repairing a timed chicken coop door by replacing the gear with 3D printed one.
This door was subsequently modded for use in the pigeon loft.
Printables link: